Research Article

Isopropyl Caffeate: A Caffeic Acid Derivative—Antioxidant Potential and Toxicity

Table 5

Effects of acute isopropyl caffeate treatment on biochemical parameters of female mice.

GroupsDose (mg/kg)AST (U/I)ALT (U/I)Alkaline phosphatase (U/I)Serum creatinine (mg/dl)Urea (mg/dl)Glucose (mg/dl)Cholesterol (mg/dl)

Control322.4 ± 12.69144.5 ± 12.55116.2 ± 4.090.31 ± 0.0244.00 ± 2.26188.3 ± 5.5891.00 ± 2.89
Treated300177.2 ± 17.5862.00 ± 5.90125.5 ± 9.190.36 ± 0.0134.40 ± 2.38201.5 ± 9.3588.83 ± 3.29
Treated2000166.5 ± 20.9055.25 ± 4.05103.3 ± 11.790.31 ± 0.0142.67 ± 2.33188.3 ± 11.7897.33 ± 5.49

The results are expressed as mean ± SD analysis by ANOVA followed by post-Dunnett’s test, (control and dose of 300 mg/kg of 2000 mg/kg ).