Research Article

Polyphenolic Compounds, Antioxidant, and Cardioprotective Effects of Pomace Extracts from Fetească Neagră Cultivar

Table 3

Serum cardiac marker enzymes.


CONTROL51.36 ± 7.0447.27 ± 3.17213.10 ± 46.48
ISO131.50 ± 20.72113.27 ± 13.17562.50 ± 105.20
FNFs98.52 ± 8.1886.00 ± 8.14375.30 ± 33.61
FNFr103.73 ± 9.3486.74 ± 5.59295.20 ± 66.49

Values are expressed as mean ± SEM (). versus control; . versus ISO group. AST: aspartate transaminase; ALT: alanine transaminase; CK-MB: creatine kinase-MB; Fs: fresh; Fr: fermented; FN: Fetească neagră; ISO: isoprenaline.