Research Article

Immunohistochemical Study of Antioxidant Enzymes Regulated by Nrf2 in the Models of Epileptic Seizures (KA and PTZ)

Figure 2

Representative micrographs of the hippocampal fields of rats treated with PTZ. Area in CA1 in the control hippocampus (a–d), 1 h group (e–h), 12 h group (i–l), 24 h group (m–p), 48 h group (q–t), and 72 h group (u–x). The sections stained with cresyl violet, showing neuronal cells with karyolysis (^), pyknotic nuclei, and slight interstitial edema () with loss cells (i, m, q, and u). GPx-, SOD-, and CAT-positive cells are seen in neuron and several astrocytes. The hippocampal tissues increased GPx, SOD, and CAT immunoreactivity mainly in neurons and astrocyte with nuclei strongly stained in experimental groups (↑). Preparations were stained for cresyl violet (a, e, i, m, q, and u) and immunostained for GPx (b, f, j, n, r, and v), SOD (c, g, k, o, s, and w), and CAT (d, h, l, p, t, and x) were observed. Magnification: 1000x. Scale bar: 20 μ.