Research Article

NRF1 and NRF2 mRNA and Protein Expression Decrease Early during Melanoma Carcinogenesis: An Insight into Survival and MicroRNAs

Table 2

Antibodies used in immunohistochemical staining and western blot.

Antigen1st antibodyDilutionRevealing of antigenIncubationDetection of 1st ABColour developmentProductClone
NRF1Rabbit polyclonal anti-NRF1
1 : 500Tris-EDTA
pH 9.0
2 h RTDako EnVisionDABSigma, HPA065424Not reported
NRF1Mouse monoclonal anti-NRF1
1 : 50010 mM sodium citrate buffer
pH 6.0
45 min RTDako EnVisionFast RedSanta Cruz Biotechnology, sc-365651E-4
NRF2Rabbit monoclonal anti-NRF2 phospho S401 : 60010 mM sodium citrate buffer
pH 6.0
30 min RTDako EnVisionDABAbcam, 76086EP1809Y
Western blot
Antigen1st antibodyDilutionProductClone
NRF1Rabbit polyclonal anti-NRF1
1 : 2500Sigma, HPA065424Not reported
NRF1Mouse monoclonal anti-NRF1
1 : 1000Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-365651E-4
NRF2Rabbit monoclonal anti-NRF2 phospho S401 : 10000Abcam, 76086EP1809Y
β-ActinMouse monoclonal anti-β-actin1 : 5000Novus Biologicals, NB600-501SSAC-15
PCNAMouse monoclonal anti-PCNA1 : 2000Cell Signalling Technology, #2586PC10
HRP-conjugated goat-anti-mouse1 : 5000Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-2055
HRP-conjugated goat-anti-rabbit1 : 5000Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-2054

RT = room temperature, DAB = diaminobenzidine.