Research Article

Green Tea Prevents NAFLD by Modulation of miR-34a and miR-194 Expression in a High-Fat Diet Mouse Model

Figure 4

Green tea modulates the expression of miR-34a and miR-194 in murine HFD-induced NAFLD. Relative expression of miR-194 (a) and miR-34a (b). Results are presented as of at least 06 animals. ANOVA one-way and two-way were used for the statistical analysis. When the difference was statistically significant, the following overwritten letters were used: aCompared to the Scramble group. bCompared to the HFD group. (c) Predicted and validated targets of the miRNAs: miR34a and miR-194. To select the targets, we used the miRWalk 2.0 database, based on the KEGG signaling pathway. Targets coregulated by different miRNAs or important members of the inflammation, metabolism, and IR were selected. Only targets present in 3 or more algorithmic bases were considered valid targets. We select predicted targets from prediction algorithms and validated targets (indicated by ) according to the literature. The genes presented at the intersection of the figure are target genes of both miR-34a and miR-194.