Research Article

NADPH Oxidase Hyperactivity Contributes to Cardiac Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Rats with Severe Experimental Pancreatitis through ROS-Mediated MAPK Signaling Pathway

Figure 2

Nox hyperactivity correlated with exacerbated oxidative stress in SAP-induced cardiac injury. Effect of Nox inhibition on ROS production and oxidative indexes. DHE staining in frozen sections by fluorescent microscopy (100x magnification) (a). The fluorescence values are expressed as the ratio to the levels in the sham group (b). The levels of LPO (c) and GSH (f) and the activity of CuZnSOD (d) and MnSOD (e) in heart tissues. Data are expressed as , rats per group. LPO, lipid peroxidation; SOD, superoxide dismutase; GSH, reduced glutathione. compared with the SO group. compared with the SAP group.