Research Article

Cell Type- and Exposure-Specific Modulation of CD63/CD81-Positive and Tissue Factor-Positive Extracellular Vesicle Release in response to Respiratory Toxicants

Figure 1

Effect of CSE and the thiol scavenger bacitracin on different pulmonary cell types. Effect of CSE exposure on (a) cell metabolic activity as determined by the MTT assay, ; (b) cell surface thiols, ; (c) release of CD63+CD81+ EVs determined by bead-based flow cytometry, ; (d) effect of 2.5 mM bacitracin on the release of CD63+CD81+ EVs, . The box and whisker plots show the median (line in the box), 25th and 75th percentiles (outer lines of the box), and minimal and maximal values (whiskers). compared to the untreated control (100%), # for bacitracin compared to the vehicle control. Cell lines: BEAS-2B: bronchial epithelial cells; HEL-299 and MRC-5: pulmonary fibroblast cell lines; THP-1: monocyte-derived macrophages; HPMEC: human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cell line.