Research Article

Antioxidant Effects of Oral Ang-(1-7) Restore Insulin Pathway and RAS Components Ameliorating Cardiometabolic Disturbances in Rats

Figure 4

Photomicrographs of the liver stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). The arrow indicates microvesicular steatosis, and the arrowhead indicates macrovesicular steatosis. (a) Rats fed with control (CT) diet and treated only with the vehicle (HPβCD/empty). (b) Rats fed with CT diet and treated with HPβCD-Ang-(1-7). (c) Rats fed with high-fat (FAT) diet and treated with HPβCD/empty. (d) Rats fed with FAT diet and treated with HPβCD-Ang-(1-7). Magnification ×440.  μm. Qualitative evaluation of macrovesicular steatosis (e) and microvesicular steatosis (f) in the hepatic tissue, using the degrees of Absent, Mild, Moderate, or Intense.