Research Article

Redox Balance Correlates with Nutritional Status among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Treated with Maintenance Hemodialysis

Table 1

Demographic data and selected laboratory results in the ESRD patients and control group.

Laboratory parametersESRD patients ()Control group ()Reference range

Age (years)≤0.001Not applicable
Males (, %)60 (61.9)17 (40.5)0.023Not applicable
Albumin (g/L)39.4 (36.4–42.8)44.5 (40.3–47.0)<0.00135–52
Prealbumin (g/L)0.27 (0.22–0.32)No data0.20–0.40
CRP (mg/L)5.75 (2.2–13.7)1.45 (1.0–1.4)≤0.001<5
PLT (×103/μL)0.005125–340
WBC (×103/μL)6.5 (5.1–7.8)5.8 (5.3–6.8)0.2674–10
Total cholesterol (mmol/L)<0.0013.2–5.2
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L)<0.0010.2–3.4
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L)0.0220.9–3.0
Triglycerides (mmol/L)1.5 (1.2–2.2)1.9 (1.6–2.3)0.2100.2–2.3
Bilirubin (μmol/L)8.5 (6.8–10.3)10.1 (8.7–17.2)0.0140–21
Uric acid (μmol/L)≤0.001F: 143.0–340.0
M: 202.0–416.0
Total calcium (mmol/L)1.89 (1.18–2.27)No data2.15–2.55
Phosphate (mmol/L)2.50 (1.65–4.50)No data0.81–1.45
iPTH (pg/mL)174.4 (75.4–410.7)No data14.9–56.9
Iron (μmol/L)11.80 (9.12–15.00)No data5.83–34.50
TIBC (μmol/L)No data40.8–76.6
0 (, %)56 (57.7)39 (92.9)
1 (, %)25 (25.8)3 (7.1)<0.0010
2 (, %)11 (11.3)0
CRP/PRE0.019 (0.008–0.0587)No dataNo data
Glutathione peroxidase (U/L)≤0.001No data
Glutathione reductase (U/L)76.7 (66.7–98.3)100.7 (91.0–111.6)≤0.001No data
FRAP (mmol/L)0.027No data
Superoxide dismutase (U/mL)13.2 (9.8–17.5)19.4 (13.6–23.9)0.002No data

LDL—low-density lipoprotein; HDL—high-density lipoprotein; iPTH—intact parathyroid hormone; PLT—platelet counts; WBC—white blood cells; TIBC—total iron binding capacity; GPS—Glasgow Prognostic Score; PRE—prealbumin; CRP—C-reactive protein; F—females; M—males; FRAP—ferric reducing antioxidant power. Due to local differences in patient monitoring, lipid profiles and iPTH were only available for 44 patients treated in Rzeszow, Poland.