Research Article

Candidate Animal Disease Model of Elizabethkingia Spp. Infection in Humans, Based on the Systematic Pathology and Oxidative Damage Caused by E. miricola in Pelophylax nigromaculatus

Figure 3

Dynamic systematic pathology of P. nigromaculatus caused by E. miricola infection. (a) Histopathological changes induced by E. miricola (▲: inflammatory cell infiltration; →: necrotic cells; E: edema; C: congestion; H: hyperplasia). (b) Overall health status (total index) of frogs in different groups, based on histopathological lesions. (c) Ultrastructural changes induced by E. miricola (N: nucleus; M: mitochondria; ER: endoplasmic reticulum; L: lysosome). or represents a significant difference or highly significant difference between groups. Dynamic systematic pathology of P. nigromaculatus caused by E. miricola infection.