Research Article

Multiorgan Development of Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in LPS-Induced Endotoxemia in C57Bl/6 Mice: DHE-Based In Vivo Approach

Table 2

Hematologic alterations in endotoxemia, 6 and 12 hours after LPS challenge.

ControlLPS 6 hLPS 12 h

WBC (103/μL)#
RBC (103/μL),#
PLT (103/μL)
GRA (%),####
MON (%)
LYM (%),####
GRA (103/μL)
Hct (103/μL),#
HGB (103/μL)
LYM (103/μL)
MCH (103/μL)
MCHC (103/μL),##
MCV (103/μL)
MON (103/μL)
MPV (103/μL)##
RDW (103/μL)

WBC—white blood cells, RBC—red blood cells, PLT—platelets, GRA—granulocytes, MON—monocytes, and LYM—lymphocytes. Results of Student’s-test vs. control:, , , and ; LPS 6 h vs. 12 h:#, ##, and ####.