Research Article

An Evaluation of the DNA-Protective Effects of Extracts from Menyanthes trifoliata L. Plants Derived from In Vitro Culture Associated with Redox Balance and Other Biological Activities

Table 2

Antimicrobial activity of MtRV and MtAPV extracts of M. trifoliata. Van: vancomycin; NOR: norfloxacin; ANF: amphotericin B. Data represent the median values in triplicate.

Plant materialStaphylococcus aureusPseudomonas aeruginosaEscherichia coliEnterococcus faecalisSaccharomyces cerevisiaeCandida albicans
MIC (μg/mL)MBCMIC (μg/mL)MBCMIC (μg/mL)MBCMIC (μg/mL)MBCMIC (μg/mL)MFCMIC (μg/mL)MFC

Mt RV extract225>500150>500250>500150>5007256256251500
Mt APV extract250>500250>500250>500250>5007257259252500
Positive control7.82 VAN>500<0.48 NOR>5000.98 NOR>5001.95 VAN>500<0.48 ANF>5000<0.48 ANF>5000