Review Article

Antioxidants as Adjuvants in Periodontitis Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 3

Risk of bias evaluation of nonrandomized clinical trials according to the ROBINS-I tool [15].

Domain of biasDescription

Bias due to confoundingBaseline confounding. When one or more preintervention prognostic factors predict the intervention received at baseline (start of follow-up)
Time-varying confounding. When the intervention received can change over time and when postintervention prognostic factors affect the intervention received after baseline
Bias in selecting participants for studyWhen selection of participants is related to both intervention and outcome
Lead time bias. When some follow-up time is excluded from the analysis
Immortal time bias. When the interventions are defined in such a way that there is a period of follow-up during which the outcome cannot occur

At intervention
Bias in classifying interventionsWhen intervention status is misclassified
Nondifferential misclassification. Is unrelated to the outcome
Differential misclassification. Is related to the outcome or to the risk of the outcome

Bias due to deviating from intended interventionWhen there are systematic differences between intervention and comparator groups in the care provided
Bias due to missing dataWhen attrition (loss to follow-up), missed appointments, incomplete data collection, and exclusion of participants from analysis by primary investigators occur
Bias in measuring outcomesWhen outcomes are misclassified or measured with error
Nondifferential measurement error. Is unrelated to the intervention received; it can be systematic or random
Bias in selecting reported resultSelective reporting of results that should be sufficiently reported to allow the estimate to be included in a meta-analysis (or other synthesis) is considered. When selective reporting is based on the direction, magnitude, or statistical significance of intervention effect estimates. Selective outcome reporting. When the effect estimate for an outcome measurement was selected from among analyses of multiple outcome measurements for the outcome domain. Selective analysis reporting. When results are selected from intervention effects estimated in multiple ways

Judgment for each domain
Low RoBStudy is comparable to a well-performed, randomized trial with regard to this domain
Moderate RoBStudy is sound for a nonrandomized study with regard to this domain but cannot be considered comparable to a well-performed, randomized trial
Serious RoBStudy has some important problems in this domain
Critical RoBStudy is too problematic in this domain to provide any useful evidence on the effects of intervention
No informationNo information on which to base a judgment about risk of bias for this domain

Overall judgment
Low RoBStudy is judged to be at low risk of bias for all domains
Moderate RoBStudy is judged to be at low or moderate risk of bias for all domains
Serious RoBStudy is judged to be at serious risk of bias in at least one domain, but not at critical risk of bias in any domain
Critical RoBStudy is judged to be at critical risk of bias in at least one domain
No informationNo clear indication that the study is at serious or critical risk of bias, and there is a lack of information in one or more key domains of bias (a judgment is required for this)