Review Article

Mitochondria- and Oxidative Stress-Targeting Substances in Cognitive Decline-Related Disorders: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Evidence

Table 1

Clinical trials on the effects of GBE.

Study designGBE dose/preparationDurationSubjectsPurposeMain resultsReferences

Patients with memory complaints, SMI, and MCI
R, DB, PC240 mg of GBE once daily or placebo(61)
Healthy aged patients with subjective memory decline (SMI)
Test the effect of GBE on cognitive functions associated with prefrontal dopamineGBE caused a mild increase in prefrontal dopamine; there were indications for enhanced cognitive flexibility and for ameliorated response inhibition resultsBeck et al., 2016 [61]

R, DB, PC240 mg of GBE once daily or placebo12 weeks(300)
Patients 45-65 years old with very mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
Evaluate the effects of GBE on cognition and quality of life in patients with very mild cognitive impairmentGBE improved the cognitive ability and quality of life of patientsGrass-Kapanke, 2011 [63]

R, PC, DB, MC240 mg of GBE once daily or placebo24 weeks(160)
Patients with MCI
Test the effect of GBE on NPS and cognition in patients with MCIGBE improved NPS and cognition; the extract was safe and well toleratedGavrilova et al., 2014 [62]

Patients with dementia
R, DB, PC240 mg of GBE once daily22 weeks(400)
Demented patients with NPS
Test the efficacy of GBE on NPS of dementiaGBE statistically superior to placebo in ameliorating NPS (e.g., irritability, apathy, and anxiety)Scripnikov et al., 2007 [64]

Systematic review240 mg of GBE once daily22 weeks(1628)
Demented patients with behavioural and psychological symptoms (BPSD)
Demonstrate efficacy of GBE in dementia with BPSDImprovements of quality of life, cognition, and BPSD activities of daily living clinical global impressionVon Gunten et al., 2016 [66]
([12, 166168])

Meta-analysis and systematic reviewDifferent dosages of GBENot availableDemented patientsTest the efficacy of GBE in ameliorating symptoms of demented patientsGBE improved cognitive function and activities of everyday life in patients with dementiaBrondino et al., 2013 [72]
([12, 6769, 79, 166, 169, 170])

Meta-analysis of randomized placebo controlled trials120 mg or 240 mg of GBE per day or placebo22-26 weeks(2684)
Demented patients
Evaluate evidence for efficacy of GBE in dementiaConfirmation of efficacy of GBE and good tolerabilityGauthier and Schlaefke, 2014 [70]
([12, 69, 166, 167, 169, 171])

Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials240 mg of GBE once daily22-26 weeks(2561)
Demented patients
Evaluate the clinical efficacy and adverse effects of GBE in dementia and cognitive declineGBE was found more effective than placebo in decelerating cognition deficits and in improving daily life activities and NPS in dementiaTan et al., 2015 [65]
([12, 62, 69, 167, 169174])

Meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials240 mg/day22 or 24 weeksOld patients aged over 60 yearsEffects of GBE on anxiety, dementia, and depression in aging patientsImprovements in dementia, anxiety, and depressionKasper, 2015 [73] ([12, 166168])

Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials240 mg of GBE once daily22 or 24 weeks(1628)
Demented patients with behavioural and psychological symptoms (BPSD)
Test the effects of GBE on BPSD of demented patientsSignificant superiority of GBE to placebo in improving BPSD and therefore caregiver experienceSavaskan et al., 2017 [74]
([12, 166168])

Bivariate meta-analysisDifferent dosages of GBEApproximately 6 monthsDemented patientsEvaluate baseline risk on the treatment effect and assess the efficacy of GBE on cognitive symptoms of dementiaGBE was effective at improving cognitive functions in dementia after 6 months of treatmentWang et al., 2010 [71]
([12, 67, 69, 166, 169, 170])

R, DB, PC, PG, MC160 mg or 240 mg of GBE daily24 weeks(214)
Patients with dementia or age-related memory loss
To assess the efficacy of GBE in aged demented patients or patients with age-related memory lossNo beneficial effect of GBE for demented or age-related memory-impaired patientsVan Dongen, 2000 [75]

R, DB, PC, PG120 mg of GBE daily6 months176 mildly to moderately demented patientsAssess the efficacy and safety of GBE for treating dementia in early stagesGBE not beneficial in mild to moderate dementia after a 6-month treatmentMcCarney et al., 2008 [76]

Cochrane analysis of R, DB, PC trialsDifferent GBE doses ranging from low to highDifferent treatment periodsAging with dementia or cognitive impairmentAssess the efficacy and safety of GBE in dementia and cognitive impairmentGBE displays unreliable and inconsistent evidence in being beneficial for demented peopleBirks and Evans, 2009 [77]

Patients with AD and vascular dementia
R, DB, PC120 mg of GBE, 60 mg of GBE, or placebo6 months(90)
Patients with vascular dementia (VaD)
Evaluate the efficacy and safety of GBE in vascular demented patientsGBE slowed down the cognitive deterioration in vascular demented patients, effect shown in only one of the four neuropsychological testsDemarin et al., 2017 [78]

Review of R, PC120 mg of GBE twice daily or 240 mg of GBE once daily22 or 24 weeks(1294)
Demented patients (AD or VaD) with NPS
Test the efficacy of GBE in older patients with AD/vascular dementia with NPSConfirmation of efficacy of GBE and good tolerabilityIhl, 2013 [79]
([12, 166, 167, 175])

Systematic review and meta-analysisGBE extract12-52 weeks(2372)
Patients with AD or vascular or mixed dementia
Evaluate the effects of GBE in AD and vascular and mixed dementiasSuperiority of GBE to placebo in improving everyday life activities in mainly the AD type of dementiaWeinmann et al., 2010 [80]
([6769, 166, 169, 173, 175])

Systematic review and meta-analysis240 mg and 120 mg of GBE daily24 weeksPatients with MCI or ADAssess the effectiveness and safety of GBE in treating MCI and ADThere is an indication for the beneficial effect of GBE in MCI and AD but the results were inconsistentYang et al., 2016 [81] (AD: [67, 68, 169, 170, 174176]; MCI: [62])

Systematic review of randomized controlled trials240 mg of GBE dailyPatients with mildly to moderately severe and severe ADAssess the beneficial effect of GBE in ADEvidence of beneficial effects of GBE in amelioration cognition, every day activities, and psychopathological symptoms but great heterogeneity among the resultsJanssen et al., 2010 [82]
([67, 69, 166, 169])

R, DB, PC, PG120 mg of GBE twice daily5 yearsAdults 70 years or older with occasional memory problemsEfficacy of long-term use of GBE for the prevention of AD in aging with memory complaintsGBE did not reduce the incidence of AD compared to placeboGuidAge study, Vellas et al., 2012 [83]

R, DB, PC120 mg of GBE twice dailyEvery 6 months from 2000 to 2008(3069)
Healthy old people or people with MCI aged 72 to 96 years
Test whether GBE delays or prevents global or domain-specific cognitive impairment in agingGBE did not prevent cognitive decline in agingSnitz et al., 2009 [84]

R, DB, PC120 mg of GBE twice daily5 years(3000)
Healthy subjects aging over 80 years old
Assess the ability of GBE in the prevention of dementia in normal aging or those with MCIGBE does not prevent dementiaGEM study, DeKosky et al., 2006 [87]

Systematic review and meta-analysis240 mg of GBE dailyNot availableNondemented patients aged 70 years or olderEvaluate the efficacy of GBE for the prevention of dementia in nondemented adultsGBE is not able to prevent the development of dementiaCharemboon and Jaisin, 2015 [86] ([83, 85])

SMI, subjective memory impairment; MCI, mild cognitive impairments; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; VaD, vascular dementia; R, randomized; DB, double blind; PC, placebo controlled; MC, multicenter; PG, parallel group; BPSD, behavioural psychological symptoms; VCI: vascular cognitive impairment. The number of patients involved in the trials is indicated in parentheses.