Research Article

Ocoxin Modulates Cancer Stem Cells and M2 Macrophage Polarization in Glioblastoma

Figure 1

OOS inhibits the self-renewal capacity of GBM cells. (a) Cell viability of GBM cells in response to OOS (3d), . (b) Formation of GBM clonal spheres in the presence of OOS (6d), . (c, d) Relative expression (qRT-PCR) of CSC-related markers in GBM1 (c) and GBM3 (d) cells treated in the absence or in the presence of OOS (24 h), . (e) Relative expression (qRT-PCR) of metabolic markers in the three different GBM lines, . (f) Induction of the expression of several antioxidant enzymes in the presence of OOS (24 h), . RPII was used for normalization in all qRT-PCRs. (g) GBM cells were treated with OOS (1 : 100 or 1 : 50) for 2 or 24 h and expression of Nrf-2, NQO-1, and HO-1 was measured by WB. Nontreated spheres were used as a control and the expression of GAPDH as a loading control. The blots in the image were cropped from the same gel (full-length blots are shown in Supp. Figure S1). ; ; .