Review Article

Efficacy of Curcumin on Aortic Atherosclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in Mouse Studies and Insights into Possible Mechanisms

Table 3

Results of metaregression analysis.

Coef.95% CI value value

Continuous variable
 Publication year0.053(-0.219, 0.113)-0.690.501
 Study length0.005(-0.128, 0.137)0.080.937
 Age of mice0.290(-0.792, 0.213)-1.250.234
Binary variable
 Source of curcumin1.026(-2.361, 0.310)-1.670.120
 Gender of mice0.519(-1.154, 2.192)0.680.512
 Staining methods0.545(-1.817, 1.009)-0.620.545
Multicategorical variable
Assessing locationArch0.717(-2.818, 1.384)-0.760.4650.7276
Sinus0.695(-2.770, 1.379)-0.750.472
Whole0.513(-1.449, 2.475)0.580.573
Route of curcuminChow0.527(-1.165, 2.220)0.690.5070.1776
Intravenous injection0.758(-1.443, 2.959)0.760.464

Coef.: coefficient; CI: confidence interval; Dummy variable was applied for metaregression analysis of multicategorical variable. The former value in metaregression analysis of multicategorical variable represents the comparison of each variable with the control variable (thoracic aorta or oral gavage). The latter value represents a total statistical difference of assessing location area or route of curcumin. was considered to be of statistical difference.