Research Article

Resveratrol Prevents Right Ventricle Remodeling and Dysfunction in Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension with a Limited Improvement in the Lung Vasculature

Figure 1

There is a limited effect of RES exerted in the lung vessel histopathology structure. (a) Representative microphotographs of pulmonary blood vessels. PAH induced hypertrophy and proliferation of the tunica media; this effect is decreased by RES. 20x magnification; H&E staining. Arrows indicate the muscularized vessel wall. (b) Amount of muscular arteries in 7 random fields in lung tissue. (c) Diameter of pulmonary blood vessels. (d) Luminal occlusion by the media layer in lung arteries. The values are given as the mean and fold ; vs. control; # vs. PAH; for CTRL, PAH, and PAH+RES; for RES.