Research Article

Mitochondria-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes (MAMs) and Their Prospective Roles in Kidney Disease

Table 2

Summary of the functional roles of MAMs-resident proteins listed in this text.

ProteinsRelevant function(s) in MAMsExpression in human kidney

(1) Protethering proteins
PACS2Regulation of apoptosis, ER homeostasis, Ca2+ between mitochondria and ER [15], and mitophagosome formation [104]LowLow
Grp75Cytosolic molecular chaperone that links ER-resident IP3Rs to OMM-resident VDACs, resulting in increased MAMs formation and enhanced mitochondria Ca2+ uptake [25]~HighHigh
IP3RsInteraction with Grp75 and VDACs, forming an intracellular calcium regulation axis in MAMs [25]~mediumHigh
VDACsInteraction with Grp75 and IP3Rs, forming an intracellular Ca2+ regulation axis in MAMs [25]~highHigh
Mfn2Major modulator of ER-mitochondria tethering and mitochondrial fusion [26], but its role in organelle tethering is actually highly controversial, regardless of which tissue is considered. For a detailed discussion, please see the recent review in [157]~LowHigh
Mfn1Tethering mitochondria to MAMs via interaction with ER-resident Mfn2 [26].~LowHigh
Fis1Regulator of ER-mitochondria tethering via interaction with BAP31 and establishing a platform for apoptosis induction [27]. Fis1 dynamically regulates STX17 distribution at MAMs microdomains and induces Parkin-independent mitophagy [158]HighHigh
BAP31Interaction with TOM40 within MAMs and regulating mitochondrial function [159], as an interacting partner of CDIP1 and establishes an ER-mitochondrial crosstalk for ER stress-mediated apoptosis signaling [160]~MediumMedium~high
VAPBInteracts with PTPIP51 to form a tethering complex [28, 29] and regulates autophagy by facilitating ER-mitochondria Ca2+ exchange [29]Medium~highMedium~high
PTPIP51Interacts with the ER-resident protein VAPB to regulate ER-mitochondria associations and cellular Ca2+ homeostasis [28]. Interacting with ORP5/8 within MAMs to modulate mitochondrial morphology and function [161]MediumHigh
BECN1Relocalization to the MAMs compartment in a Pink1-dependent manner and thereby enhances the formation of MAMs and autophagosomes [13]MediumMedium
FUNDC1Localized to MAMs by binding to calnexin, where it promotes Drp1-dependent mitochondrial fission and mitophagy [162]. Additionally, binding of FUNDC1 to IP3R2 at the MAMs also increases the Ca2+ concentration in both the cytosol and the mitochondrial matrix, therefor promoting Fis1-dependent mitochondrial fission and mitophagy [30]LowMedium
PDZD8Necessary for the formation of MAMs and required for mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake [31]MediumMedium
MITOLRegulates mitochondrial dynamics and MAMs formation in a Mfn2-dependent manner [33] and maintains ER-mitochondria phospholipids transfer, such as in cardiolipin biogenesis [163]NANA
ParkinThe role of Parkin in maintaining MAMs integrity is controversial. Some research indicates that Parkin tethers mitochondria to the ER by ubiquitination of Mfn2 [94, 95], while other results suggest that Parkin-mediated ubiquitination coupled to Pink1-catalyzed phosphorylation of Mfn2 dissociates mitochondria from the ER [164]MediumHigh

(2) IP3Rs/Grp75/VDAC complex-modulated proteins
Sig-1RInteracts with BiP and prolongs Ca2+ signaling from the ER into mitochondria by stabilizing IP3R3 at MAMs; increased Sig-1R in cells counteracts the ER stress response, whereas decreased Sig-1R enhances apoptosis [34]~LowLow~medium
CypDInteracts with the VDAC1/Grp75/IP3R1 complex within MAMs and controls the Ca2+ transfer from the ER to mitochondria through IP3R1 [35]NANA
Tespa1Involved in maintaining MAMs integrity and functions as a regulator of mitochondrial Ca2+ flux from ER through the physical association with IP3R3 and GRP75, but not with VDAC1 [36]Not detectedMedium
RTN-1CInvolved in maintaining MAMs integrity by binding to VDAC and FACL4 and affects mitochondrial morphology, Ca2+ responses, and lipid exchange with the ER [37]Not detectedNot detected
GSK3βGSK3β specifically interacts with the IP3R1/Grp75/VDAC1 complex in MAMs, and inhibition of GSK3β reduced both IP3R1 phosphorylation and ER Ca2+ release, which consequently diminishes both cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ concentrations, as well as sensitivity to apoptosis [38]~Low~Medium
DISC1Interacts with IP3R1 at MAMs and downregulates its ligand binding, thereby reducing the ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer [39]Not detectedMedium
TOM70Clusters at ER-mitochondria contacts, recruits IP3R3, and promotes ER to mitochondria Ca2+ transfer, bioenergetics, and cell proliferation [40]LowMedium
TGM2TGM2 interacts with Grp75 within MAMs and regulates the interaction between IP3R3 and Grp75; the resulting association controls ER-mitochondrial Ca2+ flux and the profile of the MAMs proteome [41]MediumMedium
WFS1Binds to NCS1 to form a complex with IP3R1 to activate ER-mitochondria Ca2+ crosstalk to promote mitochondrial function, i.e., activation of the TCA cycle and mitochondrial respiratory chain [42]LowHigh
PDK4Moderates Ca2+ transfer from ER to mitochondria by interacting with and stabilizing the IP3R1-Grp75-VDAC1 complex at the MAMs\ interface and consequently maintains mitochondrial function [43]LowHigh
EI24Tethering ER to mitochondria through forming a quaternary complex with IP3R1/Grp75/VDAC1 and regulating autophagy flux [44]MediumMedium

(3) Antitethering proteins
TpMsThe expression of TpMs leads to mitochondrial fragmentation and loosens tethering with ER in a Mfn2-dependent manner [45]LowMedium
FATE1Acts as a negative regulator of MAMs via interacting with the ER chaperones and emerin (EMD) and the mitochondrial protein Mic60/mitofilin and antagonizes calcium-induced apoptosis by uncoupling ER and mitochondria [46]Not detectedNot detected
CAV1Negatively regulates the formation of MAMs and therefore impairs Ca2+ transfer via the MAMs platform and compensatory mitochondrial bioenergetics response to early ER stress [47]; contrary results regarding the role of CAV1 in MAMs integrity were concluded by ref. [21].MediumNot detected

(4) Upstream regulators of the formation of MAMs
GSK3βServes as a regulator of MAMs formation by regulating the VAPB–PTPIP51 interaction [28].~Low~Medium
p38 MAPKPhosphorylation of Gp78 at S538 by p38 MAPK inhibits MAMs formation and mitochondrial fusion by promoting degradation of Mfn1/2 [48]Not detectedMedium
PKGInvolved in the regulation of MAMs integrity [49]MediumLow
FOXO1Augments MAMs formation via induction of PDK4 overexpression and promotes mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and ER stress [43]LowLow
PKAPhosphorylation and alterations in organelle distribution of the Drp1, thereby enhancing ER-mitochondria communication [47]~MediumMedium~high
AMPKαActivation of AMPK suppresses the formation and function of MAMs by reducing the transcription of FUNDC1 [50]. AMPK binds directly to the MAMs tether Mfn2 and are therefore involved in MAMs formation [32]LowMedium

Note. These data were freely obtained from the Human Protein Atlas ( based on immunohistochemistry staining in normal human kidney samples. Abbreviations: NA: not applicable; STX17: Syntaxin 17; CDIP1: cell death-inducing p53 target 1; ORP5/8: oxysterol-binding protein-related proteins 5/8; BiP: 78 KDa glucose-regulated protein; NCS1: neuronal calcium sensor 1; Gp78: autocrine motility factor receptor; TCA cycle: tricarboxylic acid cycle.