Clinical Study

Effect of Single Administration of Mulberry Milk on the Cognitive Function of 6–12-Year-Old Children: Results from a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study

Table 4

The effect of mulberry milk on cortisol level and the activities of AChE and MAO in saliva (/group). value < 0.05 and value < 0.001, respectively, compared to the placebo group.

TimeGroupCortisol (ng/mL)AChE activity (nmol/mg protein)MAO activity (μmol/h/mg protein)

Milk 10 g

value = 0.95

value = 0.39

value = 0.76

1.5 hPlacebo
Milk 10 g

value = 0.000

value = 0.44

value = 0.49

3 hPlacebo
Milk 10 g

value = 0.03

value = 0.16

value = 0.07