Research Article

Deficiency of Antioxidative Paraoxonase 2 (Pon2) Leads to Increased Number of Phenotypic LT-HSCs and Disturbed Erythropoiesis

Figure 7

Aged Pon2-/- mice show numeric increased total ROS level in HSPCs, but significantly decreased apoptotic rate and increased functionality. (a) Total ROS level in LT-HSCs, ST-HSCs, and MPPs of aged (≥9 months) WT and Pon2-/- mice stained with cell-specific markers (LT-HSCs: Lin-, Sca1+, ckit+, CD135-, and CD150+; ST-HSCs: Lin-, Sca1+, ckit+, CD135-, and CD150-; MPPs: Lin-, Sca1+, ckit+, CD135+, and CD150-) and H2DCF-DA, analyzed by FACS (); , ns: not significant vs. WT; two-tailed unpaired -test. BMCs isolated from aged WT and Pon2-/- mice stained with cell surface markers for (b) LT-HSCs or (c) ST-HSCs and annexin V for quantification of apoptotic cells (); box and whiskers; whiskers: 10-90 percentile. ; two-tailed unpaired -test. (d) Experimental scheme for serial transplantation of aged BMCs. (e) Percent survival of mice after serial transplantation of aged WT or Pon2-/- BMCs (); ns: not significant vs. WT; survival rates are shown as a Kaplan-Meier plot; log rank (Mantel-Cox) test ().