Research Article

High-Fat Diet-Induced Fatty Liver Is Associated with Immunosuppressive Response during Sepsis in Mice

Figure 4

High-fat diet and palmitic acid exposure alter the liver metabolic profile. (a) Levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10 of BSA-Sup () and PA-Sup (); (b) Scatter plots of principal component analysis (PCA, left panel) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA, right panel) in plasma metabolites of mice fed on normal chow () or high-fat diet (). (c) Scatter plots of PCA (left panel) and OPLS-DA (right panel) in supernatant metabolites of primary hepatocytes treated with BSA () or palmitic acid (). (d) Heat map analysis showing the changes of metabolites in mice fed on NC or HFD (left panel) and in the supernatants of primary hepatocytes challenged by BSA or PA. Fold changes of the two groups were >1.5 or <0.75. (e) Metabolites having the same abundance tendency in vivo (each group ) and in vitro (each group ). (f, g) mRNA levels of Tnf alpha, Il-6, Il1b, Il-10, Tnf-α/Il-10 in Raw264.7 cells stimulated by BHB with or without LPS challenge (each group ). by two-tailed Student’s -test; ns: nonsignificant difference.