Review Article

Oxidative Stress Markers among Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients

Table 1

Characteristics of oxidative stress markers in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients.

AuthorStudy populationMarkerOutcome

Volná J. et al. 2011 [24]51 men divided into groups according to AHI valueshsCRP
(i) Positive correlation between AHI, ODI, %, and hsCRP levels ()
(ii) Significant difference between hsCRP levels in severe OSA () compared to healthy individuals () ()
(iii) Negative correlation between sRAGE and AHI () and between sRAGE and ODI ()
(iv) No correlation between OSA parameters and PAPP-A levels
Cengiz A. et al. 2018 [34]44 OSA
44 control group
PAPP-A(i) PAPP-A levels significantly higher in OSA, particularly in patients with moderate severity, compared to the control group ()
(ii) Negative correlation between AHI and PAPP-A
(iii) Positive correlation between minimum and mean oxygen levels at night and PAPP-A
Wysocka E. et al. 2008 [35]41 OSA
39 control group
SOD(i) Decreased activity of SOD in OSA compared to controls, particularly in those with moderate to severe severity ()
Bauça J. et al. 2017 [39]62 OSA
52 control group
cfDNA(i) Increased concentration of dsDNA in OSA compared to controls ()
Ye L. et al. 2010 [40]127 OSA (43 mild, 39 moderate, and 45 severe)
52 control group
cfDNA(i) Positive correlation between level of cfDNA and AHI and ODI
(ii) Linear correlation between cfDNA concentration and severity of OSA
Yamauchi M. et al. 2005 [41]75 OSA (17 nonsevere [], 58 severe []8-OHdG(i) Urinary excretion of 8-OHdG higher in severe OSA ()
(ii) Positive correlation between 8-OHdG urinary excretion and AHI, ODI, and %
Jordan W. et al. 2006 [42]25 OSA (20 moderate to severe, 5 UARS or mild OSA)8-OHdG(i) 8-OHdG concentration slightly higher in patients with moderate to severe OSA (NS)
Tóthová L. et al. 2019 [46]24 OSA ()AOPP(i) Salivary AOPP concentrations higher in the morning compared to evening ()
Yağmur A. et al. 2020 [47]125 OSA (32 mild, 34 moderate, 59 severe)
40 control group
AOPP(i) Higher levels of AOPP in severe and moderate OSA subjects compared to mild OSA subjects and healthy controls ()
(ii) Positive correlation between AOPP blood concentration and AHI, %, and ODI ()
Mancuso M. et al. 2012 [48]41 OSA (7 mild, 15 moderate, and 19 severe)
32 control group
AOPP(i) No correlation between AOPP levels and AHI
Hopps E. et al. 2014 [49]48 OSA (21 low [], 27 high [])TBARS(i) Positive correlation between AHI, ODI, and TBARS concentration ()
Cherneva R. et al. 2017 [51]86 OSA ()
45 control group
8-Isoprostane(i) Higher urinary excretion in OSA patients compared to controls ()
Cai W. et al. 2015 [55]139 OSA (46 with , 46 with , 47 with )sRAGE
(i) Negative correlation between sRAGE and esRAGE expression and AHI ()
Guo Q. et al. 2013 [57]54 OSA (14 mild, 11 moderate, and 29 severe)Trx(i) Positive correlation between AHI and Trx concentration ()