Research Article

Zingerone Inhibits the Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation and Protects against Sepsis via Nrf2-Mediated ROS Inhibition

Figure 4

ZIN inhibited PMA-induced ROS production and the formation of NETs through Nrf2 pathway. (a) DCFH-DA staining and (b) SYTOX green staining of neutrophils in different groups was analyzed by flow cytometry. (c) ZIN effects on the MPO-DNA complex in neutrophil supernatant. (d) The effects of ZIN on NET production in human neutrophils stimulated with PMA for 3 hours (histone: green; dsDNA: blue) (fluorescence and light microscope, magnification ×200). (e) The effects of ZIN on activation of Nrf2/HO-1 signaling in neutrophils. , , and .