Research Article

Inhibition of TRPA1 Ameliorates Periodontitis by Reducing Periodontal Ligament Cell Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis via PERK/eIF2α/ATF-4/CHOP Signal Pathway

Figure 2

TRPA1 inhibitor HC030031 significantly ameliorated the oxidative stress and apoptosis levels of Pg.LPS-induced PDLCs. (a) P.g.LPS increased intracellular calcium ion level in a dose-dependent manner (). (b) Lower HC030031 concentration significantly reversed the increase of intracellular calcium ions, and 10 μM HC030031 was used in the subsequent experiment (). (c) Flow cytometry analysis of the control group (PDLCs only, C), L group (PDLCs treated by LPS, L), and LH group (PDLCs treated by 10 μM HC030031 and LPS, LH) (). (d, e) Western blot analysis and semiquantitative statistical analysis of oxidative stress, apoptosis, and TRPA1 proteins in in C, L, and LH groups (). (f) EM images showing endoplasmic reticulum (yellow arrows) and mitochondrial morphology (red arrows) of PDLCs in Ctr, LPS, and LH groups (white stars represent cell nuclei) (). (g) Quantification of endoplasmic reticulum size, mitochondrial size, mitochondrial number per cell (), and mitochondrial crista density was analyzed (>100 mitochondria). Data analysis was performed by using one-way ANOVA (, , and ). Data are presented as the .