Research Article

Superoxide Dismutase Prevents SARS-CoV-2-Induced Plasma Cell Apoptosis and Stabilizes Specific Antibody Induction

Figure 1

Assessment of serum CoV-specific Ab levels during boosting with CoV. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with CoV as the specific Ag. (a) Boxplots show induced CoV Ab/ACE2 binding test results. (b) Boxplots show serum CoV-specific Ab (CoV-sAb) levels during immune boosting (wk: week). Statistics: ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s test. , compared with group 0 (a). , compared with group 0 (a) or wk3 (b). Each group consists of 6 mice in (b). The data of boxplots are presented as median (IQR). Each dot in boxplots presents data obtained from one sample (in triplicate).