Research Article

miR-154-5p Affects the TGFβ1/Smad3 Pathway on the Fibrosis of Diabetic Kidney Disease via Binding E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Smurf1

Figure 2

Expression of miR-154-5p in renal tissues. FISH detection for miR-154-5p localization in the kidney; significant enrichment of miR-154-5p in the cortical region of diabetic rats, in particular, glomerular (a). miR-154-5p in the cortex, outer medullary, inner medullary, and total kidney; homogenized semiquantified according to the NC group in the renal cortex (b). Microanatomy of the kidney (c). Protein levels in the whole kidney (d). NC: normal control; DN: diabetic nephropathy. Yellow circles indicate the glomerular. vs. NC, ; ns: vs. NC, . samples/group.