Research Article

Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Extends the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans by Activating DAF-16/FOXO- and SKN-1/NRF2-Related Signaling Pathways

Figure 3

The effect of PGZ on lifespan extension depends on the transcription factors SKN-1/NRF2 and HSF-1. (a, b) Survival analyses of hsf-1(sy441) (a) and skn-1(zu67) (b) mutants exposed to 0.5 mM PGZ compared with the untreated control. (c) qPCR analyses of the mRNA levels of the target genes of hsf-1 (hsp-1, hsp-12.6, hsp-16.1, and hsp-70) and skn-1 (gst-4). (d) Quantitation of intracellular levels of ROS in animals treated with PGZ, PQ, and NAC and nontreated controls. PQ represents paraquat, and NAC is the abbreviation for N-acetyl cysteine. (e, f) Image and quantitation of GFP fluorescence in the transgenic strain CL2166 (GST-4p::GFP). Data were the ; ; and ; Student’s -test.