Research Article

Disease Activity, Occupational Participation, and Quality of Life for Individuals with and without Severe Fatigue in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Table 2

Assessment mean values and standard deviations.

Assessment (score range)Mean (SD) or (%)

FSS (0-7)4.2 (±1.6)
 High fatigue scores (≥4)64% ()
 Low fatigue scores (≤3)34% ()
BASDAI fatigue item (0-10)5.6 (±2.4)
 High fatigue scores (≥5)33 (66%)
 Low fatigue scores (≥4)14 (28%)
MAF-GFI (0-50)18.2 (±7.74)
 High fatigue scores (≥21)19 (38%)
 Low fatigue scores (≤20)31 (62%)
FAI total (0-45)31.9 (±7.14)
 Domestic (0-15)11.5 (±3.45)
 Leisure/work (0-15)9.7 (±3.11)
 Outdoors (0-15)10.7 (±2.91)
BASDAI (0-10)4.5 (±2.40)
PtGA4.1 (±2.36)
BASFI (0-10)4.1 (±2.52)
Pain (0-10)
 Total4.0 (±2.37)
 Nocturnal3.4 (±2.64)
ASQoL (0-17)7.0 (±4.92)
BAS-G (0-10)4.6 (±2.52)