Research Article

Revision of the Messinian-Early Zanclean Sediments from ODP Hole 953C (Canary Island Archipelago, North-Eastern Atlantic): Biostratigraphy, Cyclostratigraphy, and Astronomical Tuning

Figure 4

Cartoon showing the tuning of the ODP Hole 953C with the insolation and eccentricity curves of La041:1 solution [104] and the correlation to Ain el Beida and Loulja sections ([34, 48], resp.). Grey dotted lines represent the tendency lines of selected taxa and warm/cold ratio curves. The numbers from 1 to 43 refer to the lithological cycles. Position of calcareous plankton bioevents: (a) Neogloboquadrina acostaensis coiling change and Globorotalia miotumida Last Regular Occurrence; (b) Nicklithus amplificus Last Occurrence; (c) Helicosphaera stalis ovata Last Occurrence; (d) N. acostaensis first influx sx; (e) Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus Last Occurrence; (f) Amaurolithus bizzarus First Occurrence.