Clinical Study

Triptorelin in the Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients: The RESULT Study

Table 5

Change in PSA levels from baseline to each visit for patients with moderate to severe LUTS at baseline.

At baseline ( = 164)
0 to <4 ng/mL≥4 to <10 ng/mL≥10 ng/mL

At week 24 ( = 140)
( < 0.001 versus baseline)
 0 to <4 ng/mL19 (13.6%)46 (32.9%)58 (41.4%)
 ≥4 to <10 ng/mL0 (0%)1 (0.7%)5 (3.6%)
 ≥10 ng/mL0 (0%)0 (0%)11 (7.9%)
At week 48 ( = 142)
( < 0.001 versus baseline)
 0 to <4 ng/mL17 (12.0%)51 (35.9%)62 (43.7%)
 ≥4 to <10 ng/mL1 (0.7%)1 (0.7%)2 (1.4%)
 ≥10 ng/mL0 (0%)0 (0%)8 (5.6%)
At last available visit ( = 157)
( < 0.001 versus baseline)
 0 to <4 ng/mL18 (11.5%)54 (34.4%)70 (44.6%)
 ≥4 to <10 ng/mL1 (0.6%)1 (0.6%)3 (1.9%)
 ≥10 ng/mL0 (0%)0 (0%)10 (6.4%)