Research Article

Paired-Pulse Inhibition in the Auditory Cortex in Parkinson's Disease and Its Dependence on Clinical Characteristics of the Patients

Table 3

Correlation coefficients between the averaged value of the paired-pulse inhibition (PPI) and the characteristics of the PD patients.

Characteristics of the PD patientsAveraged value of PPI
(%) in patients

Disease duration
Age of the onset of the disease
Hoehn and Yahr stage
Summary UPDRS score
Body bradykinesia score
(point 31 of UPDRS)
Duration of the levodopa intake0.10
Levodopa dosage0.28
Summary MMSE score
Attention and memory score (points 3 plus 4 of MMSE)

Averaged value of PPI was evaluated for 500, 700, and 900 ms interstimulus intervals. :-number of patients. Level of significance: is ; is ; is (nonparametric Spearman rank-order correlation).