Research Article

Effects of Human Alpha-Synuclein A53T-A30P Mutations on SVZ and Local Olfactory Bulb Cell Proliferation in a Transgenic Rat Model of Parkinson Disease

Figure 3

Alpha-synuclein, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and BrdU immunoreactivity in wild-type (WT) and transgenic (Tg) rats. TH and α-syn immunostainings in SVZ in a WT rat (a, b) and in a transgenic rat (c, d). BrdU immunostaining in SVZ in a WT rat (e, f) and in a transgenic rat (g, h). No difference in the number of BrdU positive cells is observed between both groups. F and H are a higher magnification of E and G, respectively. LV: lateral ventricle; Str: striatum. BrdU immunostaining in glomerular layer (I: WT; K: Tg) and granular cell layer (J: WT; L: Tg) of a section of an olfactory bulb. We can observe an increase of the number of BrdU positive cells in the glomerular layer of transgenic rats as compared to WT animals.