Research Article

The Anticholinesterase Phenserine and Its Enantiomer Posiphen as 5Untranslated-Region-Directed Translation Blockers of the Parkinson’s Alpha Synuclein Expression

Figure 2

Posiphen and phenserine decrease both APP and   -synuclein levels dose-dependently in dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells. Panel A: the 5′UTRs of both the APP and SNCA genes are 50% homologous with the IRE H-ferritin mRNA. Panel B: SH-SY5Y cells were treated with concentrations ranging from 0 to 10 μM phenserine and posiphen for 48 h. Harvested cell lysates were prepared. Quantitative Western Blotting established the anti- -syn efficacy of posiphen and phenserine (IC50 < 5 μM); after standardization for β-actin (Densitometry of multiple lanes ( ) by ImageQuant). Cell viability was unaffected (measured by standardized ATP levels/cell (Tm (Cell-Titer-glo, Promega, Inc.))).