Research Article

Coping with Cognitive Impairment in People with Parkinson’s Disease and Their Carers: A Qualitative Study

Table 2

Coding frame.

Main themesSubthemesDescriptors

Cognitive impairment stressorsCognitive impairment as a threat to perceived identity and roleLoss of sense of self
Parent/child relationship
Becoming a carer
Loss of partner
Predeath grief: feelings of loss in carersNot the same person
Taken from me
Loss of mutuality and marriage

Coping and adjustmentSuccess and challenges to coping in people with Parkinson’s diseaseSuccessful adjustment
Acceptance: I just cope
Maintaining independence
Uncertain future
Perceived helplessness
Between helplessness and survival in carers coping with cognitive impairmentSacrificing own needs
Struggling with cognitive symptoms
Finding meaning