Review Article

Respiratory Consequences of Mild-to-Moderate Obesity: Impact on Exercise Performance in Health and in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Figure 8

(a) Obese (OB) subjects with COPD (closed symbols) had a rightward shift in the dyspnea/ventilation relationship compared with normal weight (NW) subjects with COPD (open symbols). At an isoventilation ( ) of 25 L/min (vertical line with arrow), dyspnea intensity was 1.2 versus 2.4 Borg units in OB versus NW ( ). (b) In both groups, the relationship between dyspnea intensity and inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) (standardized as a % of predicted TLC) were superimposed. At iso , OB subjects were on the flatter part of the dyspnea/IRV relation while NW subjects were on the steeper portion of the curve. Values are means ± SEM. From Ora et al. [13].