Review Article

Clinical Usefulness of Response Profiles to Rapidly Incremental Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing

Table 1

Clinical usefulness and suggested cutoffs of selected dynamic responses to rapidly incremental CPET.

VariableClinical usefulnessCutoffs/patterns of abnormality


Estimated lactate threshold (LT)(i) Prognosis in CHF [52] (i) LT < 40% predicted peak [2]
(ii) Marker of disease severity in PAH [53] (ii) Influenced by age, gender, and fitness [4, 7, 42, 76]
(iii) Risk predictor of postoperatory complications in the elderly [50, 51]
(iv) Guide exercise training intensity [72, 73]
(v) Responsive to rehabilitation in less impaired patients with chronic cardiopulmonary diseases [54, 70]

/ work rate (mL/min/W)(i) Indicative of impaired O2 delivery and/or utilization [7781] (i) <lower limit of normality (<8.5 mL/min/W) [4, 8]
(ii) Adjunct for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia [8288](ii) Decrease in slope (or plateau) as exercise progresses [7781]

efficiency slope (OUES)(i) Functional impairment and prognosis in CHF [18, 8994]Mortality in CHF
1.05 L/min/log (L/min) or <65% predicted [89]
(ii) Response to interventions in CHF [95]
(iii) More sensitive to training than the / slope in CHF [96]

efficiency plateau (OUEP)Functional impairment and prognosis in CHF [89]Mortality in CHF
25 mL/L or <65% predicted [89]


Excess exercise ventilation(i) Prognosis in PAH [97, 98] and CHF, even under -blocker therapy (CHF) [99, 100] <age—and gender-specific lower limits of normality [10, 11]
(ii) Responsive to therapy in CHF [101103], PAH [104, 105], and CTEPH [106]
(iii) Responsive to exercise training [107]Mortality in CHF
/ ≥ 34 [108]
≥ 45 [109]
Mortality in PAH
/ ≥ 52 [97]
LT ≥ 54 [98]
/ ≥ 62 [98]
/ ≥ 48 [97]
Postoperative complications of lung resection
/ ≥ 34 [110]

End-tidal partial pressure for CO2 ( ETCO2)(i) Adjunct for the diagnosis of PVD [111] Diagnosis of PVD [111]
(ii) Prognosis in CHF [112116]  “likely” = ≤ 30 mmHg at the LT
(iii) Marker of disease severity in PAH [97, 111, 117, 118]   “very likely” = ≤ 20 mmHg at the LT
(iv) Diagnosis of a patent forame ovale in PAH [119]   progressive reductions as exercise increases
(v) Responsive to drug therapy in PAH[105] and CHF [101]   sudden increase with exercise cessation
(vi) Responsive to exercise training [120]
Mortality in CHF
  ≤33 mmHg at rest [112, 114]
  ≤36 mmHg at the LT [115]
  <31 mmHg at peak [116]

Exertional oscillatory ventilation(i) Indicative of worsening clinical status, severe hemodynamic dysfunction, and reduced functional capacity in CHF [121126] Three or more regular oscillations (standard deviation of three consecutive cycle lengths within 20% of their average), with minimal average amplitude of ventilatory oscillation of 5 L/min [27]
(ii) Responsive to interventions in CHF [101]


Heart rate O2 (beat/L)(i) Indicative of abnormal cardiovascular response to exercise [127130] <age—and gender-specific lower limits of normality [9, 10]
(ii) Adjunct for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia [88, 131133]Changes in linearity with increases in steepness [88, 132, 133]

Heart rate recovery (HRR) (beats/min)(i) Prognosis in asymptomatic subjects referred for exercise testing [134], CHF [135], PAH [28], Type 2 diabetes [136], and COPD [137] Mortality in patients referred for exercise testing
(ii) Disease severity in metabolic syndrome [138], obstructive sleep apnea [139], sarcoidosis [140], rheumatological diseases [141, 142], polycystic ovary syndrome [143], polycystic kidney disease [144], and HIV infection [145] Treadmill, cooldown:
 HRR1min ≤ 12 [134, 150, 151]
(iii) Responsive to aerobic training in CHF, COPD, obstructive sleep apnea, and systemic lupus erythematosus [146149]Treadmill, no cooldown:
 HRR1min ≤ 18 [135]
 HRR2min ≤ 22 [152]
Treadmill, no cooldown:
 HRR2min ≤ 42 [153]
Mortality in CHF
Treadmill, cooldown:
 HRR1min < 6.5 [154]
Treadmill, no cooldown:
 HRR1min ≤ 12 [155]
Bike, cooldown:
 HRR1min < 17 [156]
Mortality in PAH
Bike, cooldown:
 HRR1min ≤ 18 [28]
Mortality in COPD
Bike, cooldown:
 HRR1min ≤ 14 [137]
Mortality in Type 2 diabetes
Treadmill, cooldown:
 HRR1min < 12
 HRR2min < 28 [136]

: oxygen uptake; : carbon dioxide output; : minute ventilation; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CHF: chronic heart failure; PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension; PVD: pulmonary vascular disease; RCP: respiratory compensation point.