Clinical Study

Intravenous Dexmedetomidine Provides Superior Patient Comfort and Tolerance Compared to Intravenous Midazolam in Patients Undergoing Flexible Bronchoscopy

Table 1

Composite score during bronchoscopy (5–25).


SedationAwake to voice >10 sLight sedation, briefly awakens to voiceModerate sedation, no eye contactDeep sedation, response only to physical stimulationUnarousable, no response to physical stimulation

CalmnessAlert and calmAnxious, not aggressiveFrequent nonpurposeful movementPulls or removes bronchoscope; aggressiveCombative, violent

Respiratory responseSpontaneous respiration
No coughing
Occasional coughCoughing regularlyFrequent coughing or chockingVigorous cough preventing bronchoscopy

Physical movementNo movementOccasional slight movementFrequent slight movementsVigorous movement limited to the extremitiesVigorous movement including torso and head

Facial tensionFacial muscle tone normalMild muscle tension evidentTension evident in all facial musclesGrimacingGrimacing and crying