Research Article

Neutrophil Oxidized-Modified Proteins and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Table 1

The content of oxidized-modified proteins of neutrophils in study groups.

Study groupsCD (nmol/106 cells)АОРР (μmol/106 cells)
MedianLower quartileUpper quartileMedianLower quartileUpper quartile

Moderate severity pneumonia ()0.2860.2300.4290.0410.0310.113
Severe pneumonia ()0.3120.2510.4070.0580.0240.108
Secondary home pneumonia on a background of COPD ()0.4940.2940.5800.0290.0190.042
Control ()0.1650.1470.2860.0450.0320.057

CD: carbonyl derivatives; AOPP: advanced oxidation protein products; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Reliability of differences with the control, .