Review Article

The Critical Role of PPAR in Human Malignant Melanoma

Table 1

Effects of PPARγ agonists on melanoma cell growth.

Cell linePPARγ agonistConcentrationResultsMechanism of action Reference

UISO-Mel6, Rosiglitazone,0.3–300  M– Growth inhibition of all cell lines at– Independent from apoptosis Freudlsperger et al. [28]
MV3, MeWo,pioglitazone,30–300  M,
G361, ciglitazone,– increase in cell proliferation at
Loxtroglitazone3  M

MM-358,15d-PG ,0.1–50  M– Growth inhibtion of all cell lines at 20–50  M– Independent from apoptosis, Mössner et al. [29]
MM-201,troglitazone,– induction of G1 phase
MM-254, KAIIrosiglitazonecell cycle arrest

SK-mel28, A375Ciglitazone,0–10  M– Growth inhbition only of A375 at 10  M– Not investigated Eastham et al. [27]

WM35, A375Ciglitazone,10–15  M– Growth inhibition of all cell lines at– Induction of apoptosisPlacha et al. [30]
15d-PG 10–15  M

A375Ciglitazone,0–32  M– Growth inhibtion of A375 at 16  M of 15d-PG – Induction of apoptosisNúñez et al. [31]
15d-PG ,– no growth inhibition by ciglitazone