Research Article

Effects of Chronic PPAR-Agonist Treatment on Cardiac Structure and Function, Blood Pressure, and Kidney in Healthy Sprague-Dawley Rats

Figure 3

Hematocrit and hemoglobin levels in PD168-treated rats. (a) Percentage hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin levels and (b) percentage change in plasma volume, estimated indirectly by calculating percent change using baseline and final hemoglobin and hematocrit values in normal male SD rats chronically treated with vehicle (VEH), PD168 at the dose of 10 mg/kg body weight (PD-10) or 50 mg/kg body weight (PD-50), ( /treatment group). Means were compared using one-way ANOVA followed by the Holm-Sidak multiple comparisons test. Data are represented as means ± SEM. Points designated with “A” are significantly greater in value than those designated with “B” (by Holm-Sidak). was considered significant.