Research Article

Inhibitors of Fatty Acid Synthesis Induce PPARα-Regulated Fatty Acid β-Oxidative Genes: Synergistic Roles of L-FABP and Glucose

Figure 11

Expression of key nuclear receptors involved in fatty acid and glucose metabolism as a function of time. Primary hepatocytes were isolated from mouse livers and maintained in culture for up to four days as described in Methods. Representative western blots relative to a housekeeping protein (COX-1) are shown in the inserts. Quantitative analysis of multiple western blots relative to housekeeping protein was shown as black bars for PPARα (Panel a), LXRα (Panel b), SREBP1 (Panel c), and ChREBP (Panel d) as described in Methods. Time 0 = concentration in liver while time of 1–4 days indicates time in culture. Mean ± SEM, .