Clinical Study

Immunoreactivity of the 14F7 Mab (Raised against N-Glycolyl GM3 Ganglioside) as a Positive Prognostic Factor in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Table 3

Correlation between pathological features and 14F7 Mab immunorecognition in non-small-cell lung carcinoma.

Pathological features14F7 Mab reactivity
No.Intensity of reaction% of positive cells
value value

Tumor size280.70520.8801
Tumor stage280.37970.0760
Type of carcinoma280.77860.9090
Grade of differentiation280.31550.3192
Degree of pleomorphism280.07130.0001
Necrotic index280.20210.1804

No. Number of cases, % percentages, value using Spearman correlation test.