Review Article

Systematic Review of Multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Treatment Facilities

Table 4

Medical treatments used at pain treatment facilities.

TreatmentCanadaUnited KingdomUnited States
Peng et al. (2007) [18]Peng et al. (2007) [21]Veillette et al. (2005) [22]Bisset (1988) [24]Clinical Standards Advisory Group (2000) [25]Dr. Foster & the Pain Society (2003) [26]Castel et al. (2009) [29]Csordas and Clark (1992) [30]Hickling et al. (1985) [31]

 Trigger point injection63%60%88%87%4%
 Botulinic toxin injection44%40%26%
 Continuous epidural 80%68.8%73%61%
 One-shot epidural or epidural injection46%60%100%96%95%76%
 Facet joint/nerve injection51%60%76%
 Intravenous regional anaesthesia31%40%82%
Nerve blocks99%36%70.7%
 Caudal block37%74%
 Paravertebral nerve block44%40%48%
 Peripheral nerve block49%60%90%
 Radiofrequency lesioning40%51%65%
 Stellate ganglion nerve block42%60%92%
 Sympathetic block/local anesthetic32%40%52%81.3%
 Analgesics 72%24%
 Long-acting narcotics/opioids75%91%74%
Spinal cord stimulation12%26%38%50%
 Percutaneous discectomy20%

Note. Information on medical treatments was not available for National Pain Audit [27], [28] and Peng et al. [17]. Hogg et al. [20] did not state specific procedures but indicated that 87.7% of pain treatment facilities used some sort of interventional medicine procedure. De Benedittis and Lorenzetti [23] reported a mean utilization index instead of the percentage of facilities that used a specific procedure and data were therefore not included in the table. Articles reporting on a procedure not reported in another study were not included in the table ( procedures). Articles reporting treatments without percentages were not included.