Clinical Study

The Effect of Mulligan Mobilization Technique in Older Adults with Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled, Double-Blind Study

Table 2

Comparing pretreatment and posttreatment participants in both groups.

TP groupTPMM group
Before median (IQR)After median (IQR)Before median (IQR)After median (IQR)

VAS (0–10)
Rest5 (4–7)2 (0–3)0.0074 (2–5.5)00.0020.171
Activity7 (4–8.5)2 (0–4)0.0057 (5–8)1 (0–2)0.0020.224
Cervical flexion34 (32.2–36.3)41 (39.2–43.3)0.00535 (33.3–36.5)46 (40.8–47.5)0.0030.165
Cervical extension35 (34.6–36.2)40 (35.4–42.3)0.00533 (32.5–36.4)41 (37.4–45.2)0.0030.089
Cervical lateral flexionRight32 (30.2–33.4)38 (35.7–39.7)0.00533 (30.4–38.5)42 (40.2–48.5)0.0020.153
Left32 (29.6–34.3)37 (34.5–39.6)0.00534 (31.6–36.3)40 (38.4–45.7)0.0030.083
Cervical rotationRight42 (39.2–43.1)45 (40.01–44.8)0.00745 (39.6–46.5)52 (45.7–53.5)0.0120.091
Left39 (34.4–42.5)42 (39.2–44.03)0.00835 (32.7–36.5)48 (45.5–52.4)0.0030.079
NDI (0–35 points)17 (15–18)7 (4–8)0.00518 (16–20)5 (4–6)0.0020.116
TSK (17–68 points)41 (40–41)38 (37–41)0.00540 (39–42)36 (35–40)0.0030.057
BDI15 (7–19)7 (3–9)0.00513 (10–14)6 (4–8)0.0020.098
Quality of life (SF-36)Physical component35.8 (33–41.2)40.4 (40.5–42.7)0.00536.4 (34.6–36.9)42.3 (41.8–46.5)0.1820.091
Mental component39.8 (37.5–43.6)43.3 (40.6–46.3)0.00538.7 (36.5–40.2)45.7 (41.5–48.7)0.0030.131
Total70.5 (69.2–76.7)80.3 (78–85.5)0.00572.4 (70.2–75.9)88.2 (85.4–89.1)0.0020.052

TP: traditional physiotherapy, TPMM: traditional phyisotherapy + Mulligan mobilization, IQR: interquartile range, VAS: visual analog scale, ROM: range of motion, NDI: neck disability index, TSK: Tampa scale of kinesiophobia, BDI: Beck depression inventory, SF-36: Short Form-36. denotes the differences between before and after treatment scores for both groups with using “Wilcoxon paired two sample test,” and denotes the differences between the baseline scores of two groups with using “Mann–Whitney U test.” .