Review Article

Association of Depression/Anxiety Symptoms with Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Literature in China

Table 2

Methodological quality of the case-control studies (N = 12).


Was the clinical setting used for recruitment made clear?1011
Was the denominator from which cases were recruited described?813
Was duration of illness adequately described?480
Was adequate information given on the total number of patients approached?390
Was information given on participants and nonparticipants?2100
Was information given on the differences between participants and refusers?0120
Were the inclusion and exclusion criteria described well enough to be replicable?1020

Did the study use controls who were students/employees of the research institution?0111
Were controls selected from an explicit sampling frame?921
Did the study recruit through advertisements?0111
Were similar exclusion criteria applied for controls as for cases?408
Was information given on number of controls approached?660
Was adequate information given on differences between controls refusing and agreeing?0120
Information bias
Were the investigators who rated the exposure masked to participants’ status?930

“no” is the answer indicative of good methodological practice.