Research Article

Pain Intensity Is Not Always Associated with Poorer Health Status: Exploring the Moderating Role of Spouse Personality

Table 3

Moderation analysis of extraversion in the pain-mental health relationship.

BlockIndependent variablesβ95% CItpR2Fp

1Patient age0.08−0.05,<0.001
Patient sex−0.06−4.67, 1.60−0.970.334
Pain duration−0.06−0.33, 0.11−0.950.341
Educational level0.10−0.89, 5.791.450.150
Patient N−0.36−0.70, −0.30−4.86<0.001
Patient E0.11−0.04, 0.381.580.116
Patient C0.10−0.07, 0.411.390.166
2Patient pain intensity−0.25−3.03, −0.90−3.65<0.0010.0308.370.004
3Spouse E0.02−0.18,<0.001<0.010.995
4Spouse E ∗ patient pain−0.17−0.30, −0.03−2.470.0140.0166.100.014

Note. R2 is adjusted. R2 and F refer to changes in each block. Reported beta values are standardized and correspond to the final model. N, neuroticism; E, extraversion; C, conscientiousness.