Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Labor Pain Management and Associated Factors among Skilled Birth Attendants Working at Hospitals Found in Central, West, and North Gondar Zones, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Knowledge of SBAs on nonpharmacologic labor pain relief methods who are working at hospitals found in Gondar zones, northwest Ethiopia, 2019.

VariablesFrequency (%)

PsychotherapyYes183 (54.5%)
No153 (45.5%)

Allow the mother to ambulateYes163 (48.5%)
No173 (51.5%)

Massage the backYes148 (44.0%)
No188 (56.0%)

Allow free vertical positioningYes113 (33.6%)
No223 (66.4%)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulationYes62 (18.5%)
No274 (81.5%)

Show the woman how to bear downYes109 (32.4%)
No227 (67.6%)

AcupunctureYes11 (3.3%)
No325 (96.7%)

HypnosisYes30 (8.9%)
No306 (91.1%)

Allow companion of laboring woman of choiceYes9 (2.7%)
No327 (97.3%)

Music therapyYes3 (0.9%)
No333 (99.1%)