Research Article

Presurgical Weight Is Associated with Pain, Functional Impairment, and Anxiety among Gastric Bypass Surgery Patients

Table 1

Means, standard deviations, and ranges of main study variables.

M (SD)Range

Age46.6 (12.7)16–71
Weight (lbs)310.2 (76)187–608
Pain on average4.7 (2.7)0–10
Interference general activity4.4 (3.5)0–10
Interference mood3.7 (3.4)0–10
Interference walking ability5.0 (3.5)0–10
Interference relationships2.7 (3.0)0–10
Interference enjoyment of life4.5 (3.6)0–10
Depression7.0 (4.7)0–21
Anxiety7.6 (8.1)0–45