Clinical Study

Validation of the Self-Assessment of Treatment Questionnaire among Patients with Postherpetic Neuralgia

Table 4

Descriptive statistics for PRO measures at screening and baseline (pooled dataset; )1.

NMean (SD)MedianRange

NPRS pain now (screening)6984.7 (2.2)50.0–10.0

NPRS average pain in last 24 hours2 (baseline)6955.8 (1.6)61.6–9.9

BPI (screening)
 Pain at its worst in the last 24 hours6986.8 (2.0)70.0–10.0
 Pain at its least in the last 24 hours6983.1 (2.1)30.0–10.0
 Pain on average in the last 24 hours6985.1 (1.7)50.0–10.0
 Pain right now6984.5 (2.3)40.0–10.0

BPI pain interference scores (screening)
 A. General activity6983.6 (2.9)30.0–10.0
 B. Mood6973.7 (2.8)30.0–10.0
 C. Walking ability6972.5 (2.9)10.0–10.0
 D. Normal work6973.6 (2.9)30.0–10.0
 E. Relation with other people6982.5 (2.6)20.0–10.0
 F. Sleep6984.1 (3.1)40.0–10.0
 G. Enjoyment of life6984.2 (2.9)40.0–10.0

SF-MPQ (screening)
 Present pain intensity6962.1 (0.9)20.0–5.0

SF-36v2 (screening)
 Physical functioning69859.5 (27.9)600.0–100.0
 Role-physical69855.6 (28.0)560.0–100.0
 Bodily pain69844.0 (18.9)410.0–100.0
 General health69867.4 (19.3)675.0–100.0
 Role-emotional69871.9 (27.3)750.0–100.0
 Vitality69852.0 (20.7)560.0–100.0
 Mental health69871.8 (18.7)755.0–100.0
 Social functioning69871.6 (26.2)750.0–100.0

PGIC (Week 12)6970.9 (1.2)1−3.0–3.0

CGIC3 (Week 12)3491.0 (1.2)1−2.0–3.0

BPI: Brief Pain Inventory; CGIC: Clinician Global Impression of Change; NPRS: Numeric Pain Rating Scale; PGIC: Patient Global Impression of Change; SD: standard deviation.
ooled dataset included data from two clinical trials, Studies C116 ( ) and C117 ( ).
verage NPRS pain rating for 7 days prior to visit.
tudy C117 only.