Review Article

Sensory Recovery Outcome after Digital Nerve Repair in Relation to Different Reconstructive Techniques: Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Table 8

Finger and thumb replantation.

TreatmentAuthorPub. dateNerves with follow-upAge (mean)Age (range)Follow-up time (mean)Follow-up time (range)S0–S3 in %S3+ in %S4 in %Glickman and Mackinnon [25]Replanted digits

ReplantationChow1977101.5 y0100+Thumb
Gelberman1978354–47 y482626+Thumb
Schlenker19802531 y0.5–3 y4456+Thumb
May19822321.2 y2.5 y97813+Thumb
Yamauchi19821861.2–68 y**>0.5 y373924Finger
Yoshimura*19823651–68 y>0.5 y324424All
Yamano19857433.5 y496+All
Nylander1987537.4 y1.7 y206020+Finger
Nylander1987319.3 y1.7 y0100+Thumb
Blomgren19883339 y2.25 y8866+All
Goldner19892423 y5 y595+All
Ikeda***1990144 y1.2–9 y8 y3–14 y0793All
Ahcan19972242 y21–58 y4.7 y2–7 y325018Finger
Dos Remédios20054636.5 y13–63 y>1 y195922Finger
Walaszek20085938 y11–74 y3.5 y1–6 y20755All

Listings of treatment, author, publication date (pub. date), nerves with follow-up, age (mean and range; y: year), follow-up time (mean and range), sensory recovery (S0–3, S3+, and S4), Glickman and Mackinnon [25] (+: publication already mentioned in Glickman and Mackinnon [25]), and replanted digits (details on which digit got replanted); *: not 100% conform with the Highet classification/≤5 mm: 87 patients/6–10 mm: 92 patients/11–15 mm: 69 patients/16–20 mm: 49 patients/>20 mm 68 patients/patients with S4 could be less; **: patients with age of 20–60 made up 78% of the whole group; ***: m2PD and not s2PD used for classification.